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Author: Steve Smith (Page 10 of 10)

Pipeline Antipattern: Deficient Deployer

A badly-defined Deployer abstraction impairs Continuous Delivery

As Continuous Delivery patterns are gradually establishing themselves, antipatterns are also surfacing – and a common antipattern is the Deficient Deployer.

When we talk about a Deployer, we are referring to a pipeline task that can be invoked by any post-Commit stage to deliver an application binary to an environment. A Deployer interface should look like:

Deployer#Deploy(Application a, Version v, Environment e)

There are a couple of ways Deficient Deployer can creep into a Deployer implementation:

  • Anemic implementation – this is where the Deployer behaviour is solely specified as “download binary and copy to environment”, ignoring any one-time operations deemed necessary for a binary to be in a valid state. For example, environment configuration should be filtered into the application binary during deployment, as it is a one-time operation decoupled from the application lifecycle. If this configuration step is omitted from the Deployer, then additional manual effort(s) will be required to make the binary ready for use.
  • Over-specified interface – this is where environment-specific parameters are added to the Deployer interface e.g. Deployer#Deploy(Application a, Version v, Environment e, Server s). The server(s) associated with an environment and their credentials should be treated as an implementation detail of the Deployer via a per-environment server mapping. Application version, and environment are the only consistent mandatory parameters across all environments.

The root cause of the Deficient Deployer seems to be a reluctance to treat deployment scripts as first class citizens.

The Value Proposition for Continuous Delivery

Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software

In November 2011, Dave West argued that “Water-Scrum-Fall is the reality of Agile for most organisations today“. Dave suggested that in many Agile organisations the Agile process in Development (“Scrum”) is constrained by culture and governance in both Business (“Water”) and Operations (“Fall”), and that such an organisation “fails to realise Agile’s business benefits, such as faster time-to-market, increased business value, and improved flexibility and responsiveness“. This can be summarised as:

Agile has transformed software development, but not product development

By definition, software can only generate revenue when it is in Production. However, Dave Farley and Jez Humble assert in Continuous Delivery that such common sense is not common practice in the software industry, saying that “in most organisations the release of software into Production is a manually intensive, error-prone, and risky process“. The high-cost, high-risk nature of this scenario is the root cause of the low frequency release policy so common in the industry, where stability is favoured over flexibility.

Dave F and Jez go on to argue that such a release policy is inherently expensive, stating that “every week of delay between having an idea and releasing the code that implements it can represent millions of dollars in opportunity costs“. The elapsed time between feature inception and feature delivery is the cycle time of an organisation, and by establishing a regular cadence of Production releases we can reduce cycle time and as a consequence dramatically improve throughput.

Enter Continuous Delivery, which is defined as “releasing high quality software fast through build, test and deployment automation“, and has been adopted by organisations such as FacebookLMAX, and TheTrainLine to create reliable, repeatable, low-cost delivery mechanisms that release software to Production on a weekly or even daily basis. Such significant reductions in cycle time mean that more time can be invested back into product development and revenue growth, while the reduction in batch size provides faster feedback and reduces risk.

This is the value proposition of Continuous Delivery – firstly, “that we now have the tools, patterns and practices to drive down the transaction cost of releasing a change enormously“, and secondly that by fostering closer Development/Operations partnerships (such as DevOps) the artificial boundaries within “Water-Scrum-Fall” organisations can be dismantled.

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