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Category: Continuous Delivery (Page 5 of 7)

Application pattern: API Examples

API Examples enable consumer unit testing of producer APIs

When an application consumes data from a remote service, we wish to verify the correctness of consumer-producer interactions via a testing strategy that encompasses the following characteristics:

  • Fast feedback
  • 100% scenario coverage
  • Representative test data
  • Auto-detect API changes

The simplest method of verifying parser behaviour would be to use Test Driven Development and create a suite of unit tests reliant upon self-generated test data. These tests could provide feedback in milliseconds, and would be able to cover all happy/sad path scenarios. However, consumer ownership of test data increases the probability of errors as highlighted by Brandon Byars warning that “hard-coding assumptions about data available at the time of the test can be a fragile approach“, and it leaves the consumer entirely unaware of API changes when a new producer version is released.

Consumer Producer Unit Testing

To address these concerns, we could write some integration tests to trigger interactions between running instances of the producer and consumer applications to implicitly test parser behaviour. This could encourage the use of representative test data and warn the consumer of producer API changes, but the increase in run time from milliseconds to minutes would result in significant feedback delays and a corresponding reduction in scenario coverage. Given JB Rainsberger’s oft-quoted assertion that “integrated tests are a scam… you write integrated tests because you can’t write perfect unit tests“, it seems prudent to explore how we might equip our unit testing strategy with representative test data and an awareness of API changes.

Consumer Producer Integration Testing

API Examples is an application pattern originally devised by Daniel Worthingon-Bodart, in which a new version of a producer application is accompanied by a sibling artifact that solely contains example API requests and example API responses. These example files should be raw textual data recorded from the acceptance tests of the producer application, meaning that all happy/sad path scenarios known to the producer become freely available for unit testing within the consumer commit build without any binary dependencies or feedback delays. This approach satisfies Brandon’s recommendation that “each service publish a cohesive set of golden test data that it guarantees to be stable“, and when combined with a regular update policy ensures new versions of the consumer application will have  early warning of API changes.

Consumer Producer API Examples

As API Examples are exercised within the consumer commit build, they can warn a new consumer version of an API change but cannot warn an existing consumer version already in production. The solution to this problem is for the consumer to derive its parser behaviour from the API Examples and publish it as a Consumer Driven Contract – a testable specification embedded within the producer commit build to document how the consumer uses the API and to immediately warn the producer if an API change will harm a consumer.

Consumer Producer Examples and Contracts

Application pattern: Verify Branch By Abstraction

Verify Branch By Abstraction extends Branch By Abstraction to reduce risk

A fundamental requirement of Continuous Delivery is that the codebase must always be in a releasable state, with each successful pipeline commit resulting in an application artifact ready for production use. This means major changes to application architecture are a significant challenge – how can an architecture evolve without impacting the flow of customer value or increasing the risk of production failure?

In the Continuous Delivery book, Dave Farley and Jez Humble strongly advocate Trunk-Based Development and recommend the Branch By Abstraction pattern by Paul Hammant for major architectural changes. Branch By Abstraction refers to the creation of an abstraction layer between the desired changes and the remainder of the application, enabling evolutionary design of the application architecture while preserving the cadence of value delivery.

For example, consider an application consuming a legacy component that we wish to replace with a newer alternative. The scope of this change spans multiple releases, and has the potential to impede the development of other business features.

Verify Branch by Abstraction 1

To apply Branch By Abstraction we model an abstraction layer in front of the old and new component entry points, and delegate to the old component at build-time while the new component is under development. When development is complete, we release an application artifact that delegates to the new component and delete the old component.

Verify Branch by Abstraction 2

While this form of Branch By Abstraction successfully decouples design lead time from release lead time, there is still an increased risk of production failure when we switch to the new component. Dave and Jez have shown that “shipping semi-complete functionality along with the rest of your application is a good practice because it means you’re always integrating and testing“, but our new component could still cause a production failure. This can be alleviated by introducing a run-time configuration toggle behind the abstraction layer, so that for an agreed period of time we can dynamically revert to the old component in the event of a failure.

Verify Branch by Abstraction 3

Enhancing Branch By Abstraction with a run-time configuration toggle reduces the cost of failure when switching to the new component, but there remains a heightened probability of failure – although our abstraction layer compels the same behaviour, it cannot guarantee the same implementation. This can be ensured by applying Verify Branch By Abstraction, in which our run-time configuration toggle delegates to a verifying implementation that calls both components with the same inputs and fails fast if they do not produce the same output. This reduces the feedback loop for old and new component incompatibilities, and increases confidence in our evolving architecture.

Verify Branch by Abstraction 4

The value of Branch By Abstraction has been summarised by Jez as “your code is working at all times throughout the re-structuring, enabling continuous delivery“, and Verify Branch By Abstraction is an extension that provides risk mitigation. As with its parent pattern, it requires a substantial investment from the development team to accept the increased maintenance costs associated with managing multiple technologies for a period of time, but the preservation of release cadence and reduced risk means that Verify Branch By Abstraction is a valuable Trunk Based Development strategy.

Organisation antipattern: Project Teams

Projects kill teams and flow

Given the No Projects definition of a project as “a fixed amount of time and money assigned to deliver a large batch of value add“, it is not surprising that for many organisations a new project heralds the creation of a Project Team:

A project team is a temporary organisational unit responsible for the implementation and delivery of a project

When a new project is assigned a higher priority than business as usual and the Iron Triangle is in full effect, there can be intense pressure to deliver on time and on budget. As a result a Project Team appears to be an attractive option, as costs and progress can be monitored in isolation, and additional personnel can be diverted to the project when necessary. Unfortunately, in addition to managing the increased risk, variability, and overheads associated with a large batch of value-add, a Project Team is fatally compromised by its coupling to the project lifecycle.

The process of forming a team of complementary personnel that establish a shared culture and become highly productive is denied to Project Teams from start to finish. At the start of project implementation, the presence of a budget and a deadline means a Project Team is formed via:

  1. Cannibalisation – impairs productivity as entering team members incur a context switching overhead
  2. Recruitment – devalues cultural fit and required skills as hiring practices are compromised

Furthermore, at the end of project delivery the absence of a budget or a deadline means a Project Team is disbanded via:

  1. Cannibalisation – impairs productivity as exiting team members incur a context switching overhead
  2. Termination – devalues cultural fit and acquired skills as people are undervalued

This maximisation of resource efficiency clearly has a detrimental effect upon flow efficiency. Cannibalising a team member objectifies them as a fungible resource, and devalues their mastery of a particular domain. Project-driven recruitment of a team member ignores Johanna Rothman’s advice that “when you settle for second best, you often get third or fourth best” and “if a candidate’s cultural preferences do not match your organisation, that person will not fit“. Terminating a team member denigrates their accumulated domain knowledge and skills, and can significantly impact staff morale. Overall this strategy is predicated upon the notion that there will be no further business change, and as Allan Kelly warns that “the same people are unlikely to work together again“, it is an extremely dangerous assumption.

The inherent flaws in the Project Team model can be validated by an examination of any professional sports team that has enjoyed a period of sustained success. For example, when Sir Alex Ferguson was interviewed about his management style at Manchester United he described his initial desire to create a “continuity of supply to the first team… the players all grow up together, producing a bond“. This approach fostered a winning culture that valued long-term goals over short-term gains, and led to 20 years of unrivalled dominance. It is unlikely that Manchester United would have experienced the same amount of success had their focus been upon a particular season at the expense of others.

Therefore, the alternative to building a Project Team is to grow a Product Team:

A product team is a permanent organisational unit responsible for the continuous improvement of a product

Following Johanna’s advice to “keep teams of people together and flow the projects through cross-functional teams“, Product Teams are decoupled from project lifecycles and are empowered to pull in work as required. This enables a team to form a shared culture that reduces variability and improves stability, which as observed by Tobias Mayer “leads to enhanced focus and high performance“. Over a period of time a Product Team will master the relevant business and technical domains, which will fuel product innovation and produce a return on investment that rewards us for making the correct strategic decision of favouring products over projects.

Continuous Delivery and Cost of Delay

Use Cost of Delay to value Continuous Delivery features

When building a Continuous Delivery pipeline, we want to value and prioritise our backlog of planned features to maximise our return on investment. The time-honoured, ineffective IT approach of valuation by intuition and prioritisation by cost is particularly ill-suited to Continuous Delivery, due to its focus upon one-off infrastructure improvements to enable product flow. How can we value and prioritise our backlog of planned pipeline features to maximise economic benefits?

To value our backlog, we can calculate the Cost of Delay of each feature – its economic value over a period of time if it was immediately available. Described by Don Reinertsen as “the golden key that unlocks many doors“, Cost of Delay can be calculated by quantifying the value of change or the cost of the status quo via the following economic benefit types:

  • Increase Revenue – improve profit margin
  • Protect Revenue – sustain profit margin
  • Reduce Costs – reduce costs currently incurred
  • Avoid Costs – reduce costs potentially incurred

Cost of Delay allows us to quantify the opportunity cost between a feature being available now or later, and using money as the unit of measurement transforms stakeholder conversations from cost-cutting to delivering value. Calculation accuracy is less important than the process of collaborative information discovery, with assumptions and probabilities preferably co-owned by stakeholders and published via information radiator.

Cost of Delay = economic value over time if immediately available

To prioritise our backlog, we can use Cost of Delay Divided By Duration (CD3) – a variant of the Weighted Shortest Job First scheduling policy. With CD3 we divide Cost of Delay by duration, with a higher score resulting in a higher priority. This is an effective scheduling policy as the duration denominator promotes batch size reduction.

CD3 = Cost of Delay / Duration

As the goal of Continuous Delivery is to decrease cycle time by reducing the transaction cost of releasing software, a pipeline feature will likely yield an Avoid Cost or Reduce Cost benefit intrinsically linked to release cadence. We can therefore calculate the Cost of Delay as one of the below:

  1. Reduce Cost: Automate action(s) to decrease wait times within release processing time

    = (wait time in minutes / cycle time in days) * minute price in £

  2. Avoid Cost: Automate action(s) to decrease probability of repeating release processing time due to rework

    = (processing time in minutes / cycle time in days) * minute price in £ * % cost probability per year

For example, consider an organisation building a Continuous Delivery pipeline to support its Apples, Bananas, and Oranges applications by fully automating its release scripts. The rate of business change is variable, with an Apples cycle time of 1 month, a Bananas cycle time of 2 months, and an Oranges cycle time of 3 months. Our pipeline has already fully automated the deploy, stop, and start actions for our Apples and Bananas applications but lacks support for our Oranges application, our test framework, and our database migrator.
Application Estate Once our development team have provided their cost estimates, how do we determine which feature to implement next without resorting to intuition?

Backlog Duration We begin by agreeing with our pipeline stakeholders an arbitrary price for a minute of our time of £10000, and calculate the Cost of Delay for supporting the Oranges application as:
Support Oranges application

= (wait time / cycle time) * minute price
= (20 + 20 + 20 / 90) * 10000
= 0.67 * 10000
= £6700 per day

Given the test framework has failed twice in the past year and caused a repeat of release processing time specifically due to its lack of pipeline support, the Cost of Delay is:
Support test framework

= (100 / months in a year) * occurrences
= (100 / 12) * 2
= 16% cost probability per year

= (processing time / cycle time) * minute price * % cost probability
= ((100 / 30) + (100 / 60) + (160 / 90)) * 10000 * 16%
= 6.78 * 10000 * 16%
= £10848 per day (£5328 Apples, £2672 Bananas, £2848 Oranges)

The Cost of Delay for supporting the database migrator is:

Support database migrator

= (wait time / cycle time) * minute price
= ((45 / 30) + (45 / 60) + (45 / 90)) * 10000
= 2.75 * 10000
= £27500 per day (£15000 Apples, £7500 Bananas, £5000 Oranges)

Now that we have established the value of the planned pipeline features, we can use CD3 to produce an optimal work queue. CD3 confirms that support for the database migrator is our most urgent priority:

Backlog CD3

This example shows that using Cost of Delay and CD3 within Continuous Delivery validates Mary Poppendieck’s argument that “basing development decisions on economic models helps the development team make good tradeoff decisions“. As well as learning support for the database migrator is twice as valuable as any current alternative, we can offer new options to our pipeline stakeholders – for example, if an Apples-specific database migrator required only 5 days, it would become our most desirable feature (£15000 per day / 5 days = CD3 score of 3000).

No Projects

Projects kill flow and teams. Focus on products, not projects

Since the Dawn of Computer Time, enormous sums of money and embarrassing amounts of time have been squandered upon software projects that have delivered little or no return on investment, with projects floundering between segregated Business and IT divisions squabbling over overestimated value-add and underestimated delivery dates. Given Grant Rule’s assertion that “studies too numerous to mention show that software projects are challenged or fail“, why are software projects so prone to failure and why do they persist?

To answer these questions, we must understand what constitutes a software project and why its delivery model is incongruent with product development. If we start with the PRINCE 2 project definition of “a temporary organization that is needed to produce a unique and predefined outcome or result at a pre-specified time using predetermined resources“, we can offer a concise definition as follows:

A project is a fixed amount of time and money assigned to deliver value-add

The key characteristic of a software project appears to be its fixed end date, which as a delivery model has been repeatedly debunked by IT practitioners such as Allan Kelly denouncing “endless, pointless discussions about when it will be done… successful software doesn’t have a pre-specified end date” and Marc Lankhorst arguing that “over 80% of IT spending in large organisations is on maintenance“. However, the fixed end date of a software project is invariably a consequence of its requirement for a collection of value-adding features to be simultaneously delivered, suggesting an augmented definition of:

A project is a fixed amount of time and money assigned to deliver a large batch of value-add

Once we view software projects as large batches of value-add, we can apply The Principles Of Product Development Flow by Don Reinertsen and better understand why so many projects fail:

  1. Increased cycle time – a project might not be deliverable on a particular date unless either demand is throttled or capacity is increased, e.g. artifically reduce user demand or increase staffing levels
  2. Increased variability – a project might be delayed due to unpredictable blockages in the value stream, e.g. testing of features B and C blocked while testing of feature A takes longer than expected
  3. Increased feedback delays – a project might incur significant costs due to slow feedback on bad design decisions and/or defects increasing rework, e.g. failures in feature C not detected until features A and B have passed testing
  4. Increased risk – a project might have an increased probability and cost of failure due to increased requirements/technology change, increased variation, and increased feedback delays
  5. Increased overheads  – a project might endure development inefficiencies due to increased requirements/technology change, e.g. feature C development time increased by need to understand complexity of features A and B
  6. Increased inefficiencies – a project might encounter increased transaction costs due to increased requirements/technology change e.g. feature A slow to release as features B and C also required for release
  7. Increased irresponsibility – a project might suffer from diluted responsibilities, e.g. staff member has responsibility for delivery of feature A but is unincentivised to participate in delivery of features B or C

Don also provides a compelling explanation as to why the project delivery model remains prevalent, by explaining how large batches can become institutionalised as they “appear to have scale economies that increase efficiency [and] appear to reduce variability“. Software projects might indeed appear to be efficient due to perceived value stream inefficiencies and the counter-intuitiveness of batch size reduction, but from a product development standpoint it is an inefficient, ineffective delivery model that impedes value, quality, and flow.

There is a compelling alternative to the project delivery model – product development flow, in which we apply economic theory to Lean product development practices in order to flow product designs through our organisation. Product development flow emphasises the benefits of batch size reduction and encourages a one piece continuous flow delivery model, in order to reduce costs and improve return on investment.

Discarding the project delivery model in favour of product development flow requires an entirely different mindset, as epitomised by Grant urging us to “accommodate the ideas of flow production and lean systems thinking” and Allan affirming that “BAU isn’t a dirty word… enhancing products is Business As Usual, we should be proud of that“. On that basis the No Projects movement was conceived by Joshua Arnold to promote the valuation of products over projects, and anointed as:

Projects kill flow and teams. Focus on products, not projects

Application antipattern: Serialisation

Serialisation increases batch size and cycle time

When designing applications for Continuous Delivery, our goal is to grow an architecture that minimises batch size and facilitates a low cycle time. However, architectural decisions are often local optimisations that value efficiency over effectiveness and compromise our ability to rapidly release software, and a good example is the use of object serialisation and pseudo-serialisation between consumer/producer applications.

Object serialisation occurs when the producer implementation of an API is serialised across the wire and reused by the consumer application. This approach is promoted by binary web services such as Hessian.

Object Serialisation

Pseudo-serialisation occurs when the producer implementation of an abstraction encapsulating the API is reused by the consumer application. This approach often involves auto-generating code from a schema and is promoted by tools such as JAXB and WSDL Binding.

Pseudo Serialisation

Both object serialisation and pseudo-serialisation impede quality by creating a consumer/producer binary dependency that significantly increases the probability of runtime communication failures. When a consumer is dependent upon a producer implementation of an API, even a minor syntax change in the producer can cause runtime incompatibilities with the unchanged consumer. As observed by Ian Cartwright, serialising objects over the wire means “we’ve coupled our components together as tightly as if we’d just done RPC“.

A common solution to combat this increased risk of failure is to couple consumer/producer versioning, so that both applications are always released at the same version and at the same point in time. This strategy is enormously detrimental to Continuous Delivery as it inflates batch size and cycle time, with larger change sets per release resulting in an increased transaction cost, an increased risk of release failure, and an increased potential for undesirable behaviours.

Producer Consumer Versions

For example, when a feature is in development and our counterpart application is unchanged it must still be released simultaneously. This overproduction of application artifacts increases the amount of inventory waste in our value stream.

Wasteful Versions

Alternatively, when a feature is in development and our counterpart application is also in development, the release of our feature will be blocked until the counterpart is ready. This delays customer feedback and increases our holding costs, which could have a considerable economic impact if our new feature is expected to drive revenue growth.

Blocked Versions

The solution to this antipattern is to understand that an API is a contract not an object, and document-centric messaging is consequently a far more effective method of continuously delivering distributed applications. By communicating context-neutral documents between consumer and producer, we eliminate shared code artifacts and allow our applications to be released independently.

While document-centric messaging reduces the risk of runtime incompatibilities, a new producer version could still introduce an API change that would adversely affect one or more consumers. We can protect consumer applications by implementing the Tolerant Reader pattern and leniently parsing a minimal amount of information from the API, but the producer remains unaware of consumer usage patterns and as a result any incompatibility will remain undetected until integration testing at the earliest.

A more holistic approach is the use of Consumer Driven Contracts, where each consumer supplies the producer with a testable specification defining its expectations of a conversation. Each contract self-documents consumer/producer interactions and can be plugged into the producer commit build to assert it remains unaffected by different producer versions. When a change in the producer codebase introduces an API incompatibility, it can be identified and assessed for consumer impact before the new producer version is even created.

By using document-centric messaging and Consumer Driven Contracts, we can continuously deliver distributed applications with a low batch size and a correspondingly low cycle time. The impact of architectural decisions upon Continuous Delivery should not be under-estimated.

Release more with less

Continuous Delivery enables batch size reduction

Continuous Delivery aims to overcome the large delivery costs traditionally associated with releasing software, and in The Principles of Product Development Flow Don Reinertsen describes delivery cost as a function of transaction cost and holding cost. While transaction costs are incurred by releasing a product increment, holding costs are incurred by not releasing a product increment and are proportional to batch size – the quantity of in flight value-adding features, and the unit of work within a value stream.

Economic Batch Size [Reinertsen]

The above graph shows that a reduction in transaction cost alone will not dramatically impact delivery cost without a corresponding reduction in batch size, and this mirrors our assertion that automation alone cannot improve cycle time. However, Don also states that “the primary controllable factor that enables small batches is low transaction cost per batch“, and by implementing Continuous Delivery we can minimise transaction costs and subsequently release smaller change sets more frequently, obtaining the following benefits:

  1. Improved cycle time – smaller change sets reduce queued work (e.g. pending deployments), and due to Little’s Law cycle time is decreased without constraining demand (e.g. fewer deployments) or increasing capacity (e.g. more deployment staff)
  2. Improved flow – smaller change sets reduce the probability of unpredictable, costly value stream blockages (e.g. multiple deployments awaiting signoff)
  3. Improved feedback – smaller change sets shrink customer feedback loops, enabling product development to be guided by Validated Learning (e.g. measure revenue impact of new user interface)
  4. Improved risk – smaller change sets reduce the quantity of modified code in each release, decreasing both defect probability (i.e. less code to misbehave) and defect cost (i.e. less complex code to debug and fix)
  5. Improved overheads – smaller change sets reduce transaction costs by encouraging optimisations, with more frequent releases necessitating faster tooling (e.g. multi-core processors for Continuous Integration) and streamlined processes (e.g. enterprise-grade test automation)
  6. Improved efficiency – smaller change sets reduce waste by narrowing defect feedback loops, and decreasing the probability of defective code harming value-adding features (e.g. user interface change dependent upon defective API call)
  7. Improved ownership – smaller change sets reduce the diluted sense of responsibility in large releases, increasing emotional investment by limiting change owners (e.g. single developer responsible for change set, feedback in days not weeks)

Despite the business-facing value proposition of Continuous Delivery, there may be no incentive from the business team to increase release cadence. However, the benefits of releasing smaller change sets more frequently – improved feedback, risk, overheards, efficiency, and ownership – are also operationally advantageous, and this should be viewed as an opportunity to educate those unaware of the power of batch size reduction. Such a scenario is similar to the growth of Continuous Integration a decade ago, when the operational benefits of frequently integrating smaller code changes overcame the lack of business incentive to increase the rate of source code integration.

Business requirements = minimum release cadence
Operational requirements = maximum release cadence

A persistent problem with increasing release cadence is Eric Ries’ assertion that “the benefits of small batches are counter-intuitive“, and in organisations long accustomed to a high delivery cost it seems only natural to artificially constrain demand or increase capacity to smooth the value stream. For example, our organisation has a 28 day cycle time of which 7 days are earmarked for release testing. In this situation, decreasing cadence to a 36 day cycle time appears less costly than increasing cadence to a 14 day cycle time, as release testing will ostensibly decrease to 19% of our cycle time rather than increase to 50%. However, this ignores both the holding cost of constraining demand and the long-unimplemented optimisations we would be compelled to introduce to achieve a lower release cadence (e.g. increased level of test automation).

Improving cycle time is not just about using Continuous Delivery to reduce transaction costs – we must also be courageous, and release more with less.

Build Continuous Delivery in

Building Continuous Delivery into an organisation requires radical change

While Continuous Delivery has a well-defined value proposition and a seminal book on how to implement a deployment pipeline, there is a dearth of information on how to transform an organisation for Continuous Delivery. Despite its culture-focussed principles and an adoption process described by Jez Humble as organisational-focussed rather than tools-centric”, many Continuous Delivery initiatives fail to emphasise an organisational model in which software is always releasable. This contravenes Lean Thinking and the Deming 95/5 Rule – that 95% of problems are attributable to system faults, while only 5% are due to special causes of variation. Building an automated deployment pipeline can eliminate the 5% of special causes of variation in our value stream (e.g. release failures), but it cannot address the remaining 95% of problems caused by our organisation structure (e.g. wait times between silos). From this we can infer that:

Continuous Delivery = 95% organisation, 5% automation

Establishing a Continuous Delivery culture requires a change management programme more challenging, time-consuming, and valuable than any technology-based efforts. Donella Meadows recommended that to effect change we “arrange the structures and conditions to reduce the probability of destructive behaviours and to encourage the possibility of beneficial ones“, and we can achieve this by using the change patterns of Linda Rising and Mary Lynn Adams within the change management supermodel of Jurgen Appelo:

  • Dance with the System
  • Mind the People
  • Stimulate the Network
  • Change the Environment

To dance with the system, we propose a made to order Continuous Delivery programme, with a tailor made business case that emphasises reduced transaction costs and/or increased customer value according to the needs of our organisation. We must identify a Local Sponsor to support our efforts and a Corporate Angel to increase awareness, and we should communicate successful case studies to our stakeholders as External Validation.

To mind the people, we construct a collaborative, bottom-up change programme that encourages participation. We need to Involve Everyone from the outset, and apply a Personal Touch with each individual stakeholder to pitch Continuous Delivery in terms of their incentives. We should use Corridor Politics to promote our change initiative, Just Say Thanks to our contributors, and highlight value stream waste without dispute – as Morgan Wootten said “a lighthouse doesn’t blow a horn, it shines a light“.

To stimulate the network, we emulate the Diffusion of Innovations theory of Everett Rogers and exploit the social network that comprises our organisation. We must encourage Innovators to spark an interest in our change initiative, and then form a group of Early Adopters to offer us early feedback. We need to Ask For Help from Connectors to evangelise to their peers on our behalf, and by Staying In Touch with our supporters we can work towards an Early Majority invested in Continuous Delivery.

To change the environment, we focus upon changing our organisation structure and processes to instil a culture of Continuous Delivery. We need to radiate our value stream In Your Space to raise awareness of cycle time, lead times, and wait times using Just Enough repackaged Lean terminology (e.g. “average time to market” instead of cycle time). We must work as Bridge Builders between different siloed teams to reduce our communications burden, and we should develop our pipeline Step By Step to encourage the good practices and discourage the bad (e.g. enforcing decouple deployment from release in a user interface).

Building Continuous Delivery into an organisation can be achieved by automating a deployment pipeline and implementing a change management programme, but we should remember Jurgen Appelo’s advice that changing people “is hard to do without an expensive operating table“. Our change programme must be tailored to business requirements, personalised for each stakeholder, and focussed upon improving the environment – and we should always remember:

Building a Continuous Delivery pipeline is easy. Building a Continuous Delivery organisation is hard

Continuous Delivery != DevOps

Continuous Delivery and DevOps are interdependent, not equivalent

Since the publication of Dave Farley and Jez Humble’s seminal book on Continuous Delivery in 2010, its rise within the IT industry has been paralleled by the growth of the DevOps movement. While Continuous Delivery has an explicit goal of optimising for cycle time and an established set of principles and practices, DevOps is a more organic philosophy that is defined as “aligning development and operations roles and processes in the context of shared business objectives“, and gradually codifying into principles and practices. Continuous Delivery and DevOps possess a shared background in agile methods and Lean Thinking, and a shared desire to eliminate Waterscrumfall silos – but what is the nature of their relationship?

In Continuous Delivery, practitioners such as Jez Humble have warned that organisations require “a culture that enables collaboration and understanding between the functional groups that deliver IT services“, which refers to the culture-centric principles – Continuous Improvement, Done Means Released, and Everybody Is Responsible – that reduce handover delays between siloed teams. DevOps provides an implementation strategy for these principles – its emphasis upon “the integration of Agile principles with Operations practices” aligns Development and Operations working practices and encourages cooperation. However, these principles can be also implemented independently of DevOps – for example, an organisation might forego a QA team in favour of mandatory Development support for production releases, as at Facebook.

In DevOps, one of the four key areas described by Patrick Debois is Extend Delivery To Production. The intention is for the delivery mechanism to act as a focal point for collaboration between Development and Operations, resulting in improved speed/reliability of releases and a sense of shared responsibility for production systems. Continuous Delivery offers an implementation strategy for this key area – a deployment pipeline provides a shared one-button workflow, encourages the emergence of a shared codebase and toolchain, and facilitates a release cadence that minimises change sets and the risk of failure. However, it should be noted that Extend Delivery To Production could be accomplished without Continuous Delivery – for example, a push-based Continuous Deployment mechanism might underpin the value stream instead of a pull-based pipeline, as at IMVU.

From the above we can surmise that Continuous Delivery and DevOps are interdependent, but the inherent fuzziness of the DevOps philosophy allows different interpretations of the relationship. For example, Jeff Sussna recently contended that “delivering software as service makes operations an explicit part of the customer value proposition… customers view functionality and operability as inseparable aspects of service” and that by defining DevOps “not in terms of how IT structures itself, but rather in terms of what customers expect” we can say “DevOps IS Continuous Delivery“. While it is an interesting approach to couple DevOps to customer expectations, the commonly accepted definitions focus upon internal organisational change in order to meet business objectives, which may or may not include operability as a first-class concept. It is evident that SaaS customers will have explicit operability requirements, but for many organisations the reality is that customers explicitly expect functionality and timeliness while implicitly expecting operability. For example, Jeff uses a restaurant review metaphor to describe the combined value of functionality and operability (“the food was great but the service was terrible“), but restaurant customers cannot observe back-of-house operability and will likely only comment upon front-of-house operability if it impacts upon functionality and/or timeliness.

Jeff also makes a comparison of nomenclature, suggesting that for agile development and Continuous Delivery the name describes the value… in the case of DevOps, the name describes the implementation, not the desired outcome“. Surely the desired outcome of DevOps is expressed in the portmanteau – Development and Operations teams seamlessly working together to deliver value-adding features to the customer.

Optimal cycle time strategy

How should you try to optimise cycle time from idea to customer? How can you optimise accessible constraints, and radiate the inaccessible?

The goal of Continuous Delivery is to optimise for cycle time, so that we can reduce lost opportunity costs and improve our time-to-market. However, how do we construct a cycle time strategy, and how might it be implemented without a comprehensive change mandate? A study of Continuous Delivery experience reports and Lean Thinking suggests some common impediments to optimising cycle time:

  1. Excessive rework
  2. Long lead times
  3. Incongruent organisation structure

From the above we can therefore form an ideal cycle time strategy:

Optimise cycle time = optimise product integrity + optimise lead times + optimise organisation

Optimising product integrity is essential as rework has a pernicious influence upon delivery cadence, highlighted by David Anderson stating that “unplanned rework due to bugs lengthens lead times… and greatly reduces throughput“. By using practices such as Acceptance Test Driven Development and root cause analysis as well as applying Continuous Delivery principles such as Build Quality In and Repeatable Reliable Process, we can trim our defect waste and gradually remove rework from the value stream.

Optimising lead times encourages us to recognise that unreleased product increments are valueless inventory, and that we should accelerate our pathway to production until we obtain a First Mover Advantage over our competitors. By introducing Work In Progress limits to reduce batch sizes and employing the Continuous Delivery principles of Automate Almost Everything and Bring Pain Forward, we can curtail our inventory waste and deliver value-adding features to our customers faster.

Optimising an organisation offers both the greatest challenge and the greatest potential for cycle time optimisations, particularly in siloed organisations. Despite being described by Jez Humble as a “response to the historical expense of computing resources and the high transaction cost of putting out a release [that results in] lower software quality, lower production stability, and less frequent releases“, it remains a prevalent model despite its inherent coordination costs. By restructuring our organisation into product-centric, cross-functional teams and instilling the Continuous Delivery principles of Everybody Is Responsible and Continuous Improvement, we can eliminate our wait waste and obtain a significant cycle time reduction.

At the outset of our Continuous Delivery programme, a value stream mapping and analysis of product defects will likely indicate our expected cycle time impediments, and we should present these findings to our stakeholders along with our ideal cycle time optimisation strategy. However, the ambitious scope of our strategy means that without executive sponsorship our change mandate is unlikely to extend to such radical notions as establishing cross-functional teams. In this situation we should use the confines of our mandate to derive an organisation-specific optimal cycle time strategy:

Optimise cycle time = optimise product integrity + optimise lead times + optimise organisation

Rather than being discouraged by the limitations of our mandate, we can use it to guide our optimisation efforts according to constraint accessibility. If we cannot optimise the organisation, we optimise lead times. If we cannot optimise lead times, we optimise product integrity. After each successful change is implemented, we communicate to our stakeholders both the net gain in cycle time and the larger, inaccessible potential improvements:

Optimise the accessible, radiate the inaccessible

In this manner we can gradually build confidence in our Continuous Delivery programme, until our change mandate is broadened to encompass the comprehensive change required to dramatically improve both our cycle time and our product revenues.

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