Continuous Integration “Has A” Continuous Delivery is the wrong way around
Eric Minick has written a thought-provoking assessment of Continuous Delivery and Continuous Integration tooling, which includes a variant of The Golden Hammer:
“When all you have is a Continuous Integration system, everything looks like a build”
This leads to an antipattern Eric and I refer to as Deployment Build, in which application deployments are tacked onto a Continuous Integration system by treating them as pseudo-builds. While this approach may be cheap to set up, it creates a number of problems:
- Ambiguous language – mis-communication is more likely when a deployment button is mis-labelled as a build
- Noisy user interface – endless buttons such as “Deploy Apples To QA”, “Deploy Apples To Production”, and “Deploy Oranges To QA” hinder feedback
- Lax security – all downstream servers must be accessible including Production
- Increased risk – a system failure will impede Operations as well as Development
Eric describes how Deployment Build drove UrbanCode to create uDeploy independent of AntHillPro, and ThoughtWorks Go has Continuous Delivery at its heart. Jenkins now has a Continuous Delivery plugin, although to say Continuous Integration “has a” Continuous Delivery capability is incorrect. The correct relationship is the inverse.